Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hello America!!!!

WE are taking back America for it's intended purpose...To be the salt and the light to the world.
As we get closer to the elcetion day things are buzzing with expectationa nd excitement. We truly only have one choice to vote for. And when we look at the personal values that each candidate has, Its go MITT....Plus Paul we are talking about a team to turn America back to values to save our children's future.

With that being said; our trips into cities and neworking prayer around Ohio is multipling with such synergy. It's never felt like such a small In 3 seconds we can all text each other and have prayer on the cuff, so to speak. We will soon be to the place that when Cleveland has an emergency, from any place in Ohio we can come into agreement, pray from all over the state as if one army....because we have relationship and respect for one another.

God has opened up hearts to connect as if we have always known each other. ONLY GOD can spread abroad such love in our hearts for one another.

Last weekend there we a total of 27 people from around the state that came to set Marietta region free. We decreed the new decree like Ester over the Treason, murder, conspiracy at the rivers edge in Belpre that had an influence on Ohio.

We then went to the cemetery where the most Revolutionary war Officer in the whole nation are buried to prophesy to the dry bones. The releasing of the anointing in those bones for this time in history was phenomenal. We are still all talking about and experiencing the results.

September 16th at 6 PM in Toledo with Apostle Tim Sheets Prayer Assembly. We will be joining with a Pentecostal Holiness church for that area. We will have representation from around the state. AMAZING.
Locally is our foundational base to be sent out by. We are advancing in love and revelation. The professing ability is increasing to be able to be in a grocery store and have a word for some one and not be intimidated. The blessing  of giving the word is just as anointed as receiving it. Practice makes perfect.

Come and join us on Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM until about 8:30 PM? The more the merrier..

Because He lives.....


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