Wednesday, October 16, 2013

VHC Intercession Team Update

It has been an exciting couple of months.

The Intercessory Group has been busy studying, praying, and doing....

We are studying about BELIEVING.... DO YOU BELIEVE? We are believing all these truths about our Amazing God....and what He promises to do....we pray and declare them, but DO WE REALLY BELIEVE? Help us Lord with any of our UNBELIEF.

We are applying His Word to our hearts and renewing our minds to go deeper in our "BELIEVE"...
We have been out on assignments to homes to pray for people with great results...and blessings on all.
We have had amazing times partnering with God in hospitals, at work, and in our families. God is on the move demonstrating how much He loves and desires to heal and set free individuals and families. He came to defeat the works of the devil and still is succeeding in marvelous ways. Shall I say, Beyond our expectations....but our expectations are growing and enlarging as we BELIEVE.

We have been serving the body of Christ through SOZO. This is AMAZING..... We have some
written testimonies of individuals who are now walking in a level of freedom that they have not had before and church members who are willing to share their experience with God through the SOZO ministry. If you are interested in reading or hearing the testimonies, please feel free to ask.

We are digging deep into Hosting the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Then we practice what we learn...The Lord is manifesting Himself in awesome ways. Our services are changing each Sunday due to everyone’s expectation and honoring His ways and presence.

Signs and miracles and wonders are beginning to happen in the church but out in the community also.
Let's go to the mountain where Moses asked to see His Glory....the Presence… and experience God Almighty Himself.

HE WOULD LIKE THAT.... Put on your Gospel boots to climb to the Highest Mountain and the Deepest Valley. He goes are all invited for the ride of a life time.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

May Update - SOZO

The prayer team is advancing. Our instructions from the Lord at the beginning of the year was to be equipped in Sozo by the end of quarter. He is so faithful to His Word of instruction. 6 of the members are now trained and certified to administer Sozo. There are 3 more going in a few months. What an accomplishment of obedience and love.
Sozo is a working out of your salvation that was given to us by Christ. In that gift are so many benefits. You can now work out the old way of thinking and living of the old kingdom of darkness and move into the glorious light of Christ's kingdom.

Sozo is one of the ways to walk out of the kingdom of darkness into the glorious light. We all have some prospectives that have the influence of our life before Christ or even since our salvation that the old influences or ways of perceiving things get misinterpreted into our minds and hearts, causing us to hurt or be intimidated ETC. It hinders our destiny from its complete fullness. Sozo walks you through a time with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to see clearly what God is saying about situations and truly who you are to Him and in Him. The counselor only guides you to that place of hearing and receiving. It is totally God and it is freeing to be all you can be for Him.

Come join us as we walk out our salvation. Its open to everyone to receive.

Because He so loved, we love.


Thursday, November 29, 2012

December 2012 Update

Happy Christ Season to all. May He be glorified in all we do.

Before we know it, the New Year will be here. May we keep our listening ears on and walk sensitively with the Holy Spirit: to be lead in all we do, give, and say,--keeping our emotions with Him. Now that is the challenge....LOL
May you enjoy your family, friends, and new encounters as you move into Christmas.

This new year is going to be a very productive one with training on how to be free and stay free others to enjoy the gift of freedom in Him. For the first quarter of 2013 we will be concentrating on that and then move into moving in that reality in greater measure.

We will be offering Presbytery by appointment and in the near future, after church on a regular basis. We will be experiencing more salvations, healings and broken hearts being healed. This is going to be an awesome year to watch God be raised up and glorified for all He gave us.

We would love to have more people on Thursday night meeting with us for prayer/training at 6:30 until about 8:30.

We will be starting a governmental prayer meeting for our senators, congressmen, representatives and local civil government leaders on a quarterly schedule.

We have no intentions of backing down because of a presidential election. We all have a higher mandate from God to take the Gospel to our neighbors, families and the utter most parts of the world. Let's go.

We speak blessings, insight, revelation and encounters from God for this day forth into the whole year of 2013.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve.

Marian DuVall

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Ohio Prayer Decrees For Sunday Nov.4th

Sunday Night November 4th 6:00 PM to 7:06 PM

Number One 6:06pm- Prayer Decree (read together)

2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways: Then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Lord, we deserve Your judgment. As a nation, we have sinned against You in virtually every way. We have deliberately tried to remove You from public life. We have squandered wealth, chosen convenience over life, abused the weak, dishonored the poor, and allowed our prejudices and hatreds to divide us. Forgive us! Instead of judgment, pour out Your mercy. We need the healing that only You can provide. Bring again to our nation Your health, Your peace, Your security. Bring to power in this election those who will honor Your Word without compromise. 

*Begin to pray for national election.

Number Two 6:12pm- Prayer Decree (read together)

Proverbs 14:33 "Righteousness exhalteth a nation: But sin is a reproach to any people."

Father God, Your Word declares that righteousness means the way it ought to be. There is much in our nation that is not how it should be. Forgive us and hear our cry of faith for how it ought to be. Give us government that rules according to the way it ought to be. Cause morals, culture, laws, ethics, liberties, fairness- locally, statewide, and nationally- to be how they ought to be according to Your Word. *Pray for how it should be in our land.

Number Three 6:18pm- Prayer Decree (read together)

1 Corinthians 1:10 "Live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church, rather, be of one mind united in thought and purpose."

Father we agree with Christ's prayer in 2 John 17:11 that we be one with each other. We know it is Your divine will that the body of Christ stands in one accord. Protect us from the wiles of the enemy and help us to recognize his evil schemes so that we remain vigilant and stand together to fight against him. Let us be in harmony with each other as we walk in the fruit of Your Holy Spirit. Cause us to stand unified in America, contending for the faith given to the saints.

*Pray for the church, its leaders, and attendees to stand for Christ's cause.

Number Four 6:24pm- Prayer Decree (read together)

Deuteronomy 16:18-20 "Appoint judges and court officials that judge the people fairly. They must never twist justice or show partiality. They must never accept a bribe, for bribes blind the eyes of the wise and corrupt decisions."

We thank You, Lord, that You are perfectly just in all of Your ways. You deal with us impartially, imparting justice while showing mercy and compassion. Help us to be like You in this way. Help us as a nation to offer justice to all and not discriminate the way that justice is administered. We pray for the judicial system of this nation. Restore godliness to our courts. May there be no legislating from the bench. We ask You to give us government leaders who will appoint righteous judges in the land.

* Pray for justice at all levels.
* Pray for the supreme court and any new appointments.
*Pray for federal and local judges.
*Pray that the laws of our land would be implemented fairly.

Number Five 6:30pm- Prayer Decree (read together)

Galatians 5:1 "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm and do not let yourselves be burdened again by any yoke of bondage."

Thank You, Lord, that You have set us free from bondage. Thank You for the founders of our nation who built that love and respect for freedom into the core of who we are. Congress shall make no law respecting the establishing of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. We know that You are sovereign and in control of everything. Forgive us for taking the simple things for granted, such as those freedoms guaranteed in our nation's Constitution. Help us to stand up and fight for our freedoms while glorifying You every step of the way. Promote those in this election who will stand for religious freedoms in America.

*Pray for our Christian heritage to be upheld by those in authority.
*Pray that no one in government re-write freedoms that are guaranteed in the First Amendment.
*Pray for church doctrines to be honored rather than ridiculed in America.

Number Six 6:36pm- Prayer Decree (read together)

Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 along with Deuteronomy 23:17 and 1 Corinthians 6:8-10 state clearly that marriage is between one man and one woman. Lord we repent of our wicked ways as a nation when it comes to distorting your definition of marriage. Cleanse us from this unrighteousness. Put into office this election those who will defend the Defense of Marriage Act. Give us leaders who will not be intimidated by activists trying to undermine the fundamental building block of our society. In Jesus name we say no to homosexual marriage in Ohio and America.

* Pray for the hearts of our leaders to be convicted and stand for real marriage.
* Pray for the truth to be spoken in love. We love homosexuals but do not condone the lifestyle.
* Pray for a revival in the homosexual community.

Number Seven 6:42pm- Prayer Decree (read together)

Psalm 139:13-14 "For You formed my inward parts; you knit me in my mother's womb. I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

Lord, you have conquered death with your resurrection. Therefore, in Your name we come against the forces of hell and the spirit of abortion that has gripped this country for the past 39 years. We break the spirit of indifference surrounding those who work at clinics that perform abortions. We pray that those women who are faced with this critical decision will seek Your guidance. May Your spirit of life reign in their hearts so that they not only see that abortion isn't an alternative, but that You have made each life uniquely precious. Put into positions of authority in America only pro-life candidates in Jesus Name! End abortion in Ohio and America!

*Pray for the hearts of women who are considering abortion to change.
*Pray that Roe V. Wade be overturned.

Number Eight 6:48pm- Prayer Decree (read together)

John 8:32 "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free."

We thank you Lord that you are the truth and the life. We ask that truth be revealed throughout America. Please restore truth to our nation. May politically correct compromise be replaced by leaders who will speak the truth in love. Lord, expose the lies of the enemy. Bring a fresh love for truth to those who report the news. Give discernment to those who watch, listen, or read the news so that truth might always prevail. Thank you that our founding fathers understood that freedom ultimately is a gift from You and therefore is dependent upon Your truth.

*Pray for the news media to give the truth, not humanistic spin.
*Pray that every lying spirit that seeks to oppress truth through the media be bound in Jesus Name.
*Pray that our pulpits would be a flame with truth and not passive, politically correct language.
*Pray that the people of God would be a voice for truth in all spheres of society. 

Number Nine 6:54pm- Prayer Decree (read together)

Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male or female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

Father God, forgive us for any racial prejudice in this nation. Give us leaders in this election that will promote equal rights for all our citizens. May equal opportunities be promoted in education, business, and all spheres of our society, regardless of race or skin color. Cause your church to demonstrate to the world a love that accepts everyone and leads the way in racial reconciliation. In Jesus Name, forgive this sin and heal our land.

*Pray for leaders in government who will develop strategies for Latinos, African Americans, and Caucasians to live in unity together.
* Pray for Pastors (church leaders) to work together to heal racial divisions in America.
* Pray for the unique potential of all races to advance the cause of Christ and bless America.

Number Ten 7:00pm- Prayer Decree (read together)

Matthew 16:19 "Jesus said: I will give my church the keys of the kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on Earth will be forbidden in Heaven, and whatever you permit or loose on Earth will be permitted or loosed in Heaven."

In Jesus Name, we the reigning church, now rise to rule and reign with Jesus over the powers of Hell. We forbid the homosexual agenda. Marriage will be between one man and one woman. We forbid abortion. Abortion will stop in Jesus Name. We forbid idolatry, Islam or any other false religion, from displacing Jehovah God in America. We will not worship other gods. Yes! We are a Christian nation! Jesus Christ is our King! We forbid the anti- Christ agenda promoted through arts and entertainment. We command its defeat in Jesus Name! We forbid the attempt to destroy our culture with immorality, sexual perversions, and atheist doctrines promoted in the name of education. We forbid the erosion of our religious liberties. Government will not interfere with our doctrines. The separation of church and state is unconstitutional and unbiblical. We will not permit Christianity to be silenced in this nation. God's Word will grow and be honored in this nation. We permit or loose into this nation the Kingdom of God to grow, prosper, and prevail. Holy Spirit come and empower us with fresh anointings. We release reformation. We release revival to spread like fire. We release miracles and healings. We release prosperity upon God's people and His church. We release the Gospel of the Kingdom to draw men and women, boys and girls to repentance and salvation through the blood of Jesus. We release, in Jesus Name, the angels of Heaven to assist the efforts of God's people in Ohio and the nation, in making a stand for righteousness. We release godly men and women into the elected offices of the United States. We declare in Jesus Name that those who best stand for biblical values will win their elections!

Number Eleven 7:06pm- Prayer Decree in Song (sing together)

A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing;
Our helper He, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing:
For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe;
His craft and pow'r are great, and, armed with cruel hate,
On earth is not his equal.

Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing,
Were not the right Man on our side, the Man of God's own choosing:
Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He; Lord Sabaoth, His Name,
from age to age the same, And He must win the battle.

And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us,
We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us;
The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him;
His rage we can endure, for 10, his doom is sure, One little word shall fell him.

That word above all earthly pow'rs, no thanks to them, abideth;
The Spirit and the gifts are ours through Him Who with us sideth;
Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also;
The body they may kill: God's truth abideth still, His kingdom is forever.

 "The LORD bless you the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace."   Numbers 6:24-26

Prayer from Paul Ryan Rally Nov. 3rd

This morning as we gather in this gateway city here in Washington County we recognize that there are thousands of Americans trying to recover and rebuild after hurricane Sandy. We ask for Your encouragement, strength and healing for these families and all those assisting in this restoration process.

Lord in this election season we sense the weightiness of this moment we are in.... As in our past pivotal moments in history.... we know You send help in response to our prayer and have a redemptive plan for this nation.

We recognize the charge given to us today out of Your word that says:

“ if my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

We remember that in moments like this you call leaders who have a heart like Nehemiah who saw the walls of Jerusalem broken down and the gates burned with fire and in his day said “send me to the city...the I can rebuild it” We believe you are doing this again.

We thank You that you have raised up leaders among us with integrity, character and the right skills to address the challenges of our times. We thank you that proven leadership with a fathers heart is emerging once again into our civil government. We thank you for this team of Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan, their families and staff and their dedication to the founding principals of liberty and freedom that flow from your word and have been purchased and maintained by a great price.

We ask that You would strenthen these leaders and their team to finish this race....allow them to see that the great and noble goal of restoring freedom, honor, liberty and victory is just over the horizon.

Father we thank you for all who have come to stand together today as Citizens and Patriots on this beautiful historic campus to affirm that America's destiny will not be held hostage, truth will once again take the high ground, and freedoms light will shine bright again over a righteous and just nation.

 Out of Washington County today we affirm that You are realigning America with Your historic purpose and plan to be a city on a hill....a light to the nations of the world.

Author of liberty, to thee we sing (and now pray) long may our land be bright with freedom's holy light; protect us by thy might, great God, our King.

In Jesus name we pray.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What does a CHRISTIAN look like in your eyes?

What does a CHRISTIAN look like in your eyes?
Do you measure up to your own expectations?

This is “such a time as this” We must be what the Book of ACTS shows us to be, or why call ourselves a Christian? It is not fair to Christ to call ourselves by His name and not even walk and talk like what at least we ourselves think that should be. "Oh for our love of CHRIST to be this at least!"...
The times are calling us into a different life style. It's at "ATTENTION".... Priorities are shifting, mindsets are changing.....Truth is becoming more evident everyday.

The series on Wednesday night church is causing an awareness of just what is Biblical Truth. I'm reminded of when we swear on the Bible before any one takes a witness stand to testify, you have to tell the "TRUTH, WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH." How can we do that if we don't know what truth is? Have any of us told a truth but left out some part of it and still considered it a truth? Or added a little extra color to the story? mmm but, it's not the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, is it?..How can we be imitators of Christ if we don't look seriously at Who and What is Christ? Do we know what that looks like? 

Here is a peek of Truth in action:
Please join us at 
Faith, Hope, Love House of Prayer
5005 Arlington Center Blvd.
Columbus, Ohio 43220
Hostess: Priscilla Wan.
Oct. 28th at 6PM-8:30PM.

Click Here for more info

This will be the Truth being spoken in dynamic ways to produce the State of Ohio to shift the Nation of the United State of America. It is life-impacting. It is an experience of Heaven and earth kissing. The Worship is transforming. The atmosphere will never again be the same. There is an impartation in the room for whoever will draw from it and walk in it. How much of God do you want for your nation and for yourself? It will be available to advance into.

Then we will be topping off the impact of all that with a mandate from the Lord  on Nov. 3 at 6PM. We will be “building” a Fire Wall of Prayer around the RIM of Ohio. This is where Rim counties are taking their place on the prayer wall to pray to petition God for the elections. It will end with representatives from all  88 counties joining in from 6-7PM praying from wherever they are at the same time, declaring God's Word over the state and America. The stage will have been set for Our God to have His way as we agree with Him for His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

There will be an email announcement of both of these. Please email me your email address if you want to be reminded again:

There is a standard being raised in Ohio and America and it's His standard...Praise God...America arise and shine for HIM!!!!

Because of HIM alone.